Hi I'm Li Cobian
Though I promote extreme sports, I also Promote
The Anti Drug way of Life . Life is easy only you can screw it up. I was born & raised in a gangland drug environment. And I learned at an early age you can waste your life with bullshit dreams or live it with reality. Stay in school go to college and thats ONLY the beginning ! I meet a lot of people who do drugs and try to convince me that I have it all wrong. Or Say I shouldn't put down people who have drug problems, Hey Life, its about choices . I don't mean to put down druggies.. But Who do you want to be like. Do you want to be a winner or a looser. I mean really, how can you see a drug addict and say, yeah Man thats what I want to be . Crazy ! For every one who does Drugs and tries to quite and better there lives I salute
you. For Those who abuse drugs and say its cool.
F*@# You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!